About our research
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We do basic as well as applied research at the interface of chemistry, biology and materials science. Our group design, synthesis and spectroscopically characterize multimetallic systems (metal complexes and nanomaterials) and looking after their potential as efficient anticancer/imaging agents and solving issue related to environmental pollution.
Our group provide excellent training environment to undergraduate and graduate students. Students in our group get exposure and trained in synthesis and characterization of molecules (organic ligands, metal complexes), nanomaterials functionalized nanomaterials, various chemical and biological assays, and learn a wide range of state-of-the-art characterization techniques such as voltammetry, absorption and emission spectroscopy, NMR and Mass spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, SEM microscopy, HPLC, etc.
We are always looking for motivated students from any discipline of chemistry to strengthen our competence. Please feel free to contact either the group leader or any PhD students of our group.
Research Area
The coordination Chemistry and Materials Chemistry Laboratory is focusing on the following aspects:​

Metal Based Anticancer/Imaging Agents

Metal Mediated Organic Transformations (Catalysis/photocatalysis)

Luminescent Materials

Design and development of Transition metal based Photocatalyst

Young motivated students are encouraged to take part in our research activity